I also bought the rest of the baby's cloth diaper supplies online today. I went with the Dappi covers, the one cover I have, I really like. The velcro is softer than some and the tabs are really wide which means I can adjust it more. I ordered 18 wraps because they fit her now and that lets me do laundry every three days or so (I also got 6 velcro fitted diapers to mix in with all the others). Butter butt has outgrown her size medium diapers! (and I mean that in the nicest way, I love butter, you can tell by the size of my butt)
I signed up today for an ING account to save up for a sister for Natalie. I am not putting a huge amount in it, but I am putting a little bit each payday. I am also going to put half of any "found money" in it (great deals that save money or any present money).
Natalie's test went well today. Her little kidneys work great and her bladder does what it is suppose to. They took more urine to check for infection, it looks like she won't have to do the daily antibiotic! Yay!
My baby is also covered in spots. Guess who is allergic to strawberries? What a shame too, one of mama's favorite things. She woke up with welts after sleeping 12 hours. I had to wake her up and she cried. She never cries when waking up so I knew something was up. All I really had to do was look at her little forehead, covered in welts. Back and stomach too. Legs too. Ok pretty much everywhere. So she got some baby benedryll and that helped a lot. So she is going back on a formula and cheerio diet until the spots go away then I'll introduce one item at a time. Fun huh?
But lookie at what the nice nurses gave us at the hospital! A little bottle, she's not let it go all day long. She's also drank almost 2 bottles of water (like 4 ounces) and I have a really hard time getting her to drink water at all. Score!

I did something very important tonight, I backed up all my images on my PC. When was the last time you did that? Do you have baby pictures on your PC? Back them up, you never know when a hard drive will burn out!
With that lecture over, good night!
Great idea about backing up - always forget to do that!
Fantastic news about Natalies expanding wardrobe! Am also very excited to hear that Natalie will one day have a sister!
Kim -- Natalie is absolutely adorable! I love the daily updates -- mostly the pictures of course. Congratulations on the decision of adding another beautiful child to your family! You should sell your diaper inventions to earn some extra money for the ING account!
Really good advice!
yep, i need to back up my pictures. i NEVER do that and would be devastated if i lost all of them. thanks for that reminder.
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