*** Travel tip *** Take an antibiotic for you and take it whether you need it or not. A round of Amoxicillan isn't going to make the world stop spinning. Do not get sick like I did. It is debilitating and makes caring for a new baby 1000 times harder.
Now back to the baby...
Not to keep going on about it, but this child is growing like a weed! I went through her closet and she has maybe 3 outfits that fit her well. The others are a couple of inches too short. Luckily those Ebay clothes fit her great! Part of me wants to run out and get her new clothes and the practical side of me says do laundry more often because she'll outgrow anything I buy her in the new few weeks. Its an awkward time of the year to not have clothes, the stores are pretty empty.
I started using the cloth diapers today. I have 8 velcro fitted diapers in her current size and several wraps. I need to buy snappies before I use the expensive flat folds I have. I also have a set of cheap gerber flat folds that I am going to sew into an hour glass shape for daytime use. Its silly but I was really excited to put them on her. I know I won't be able to use them at the daycare but I can after hours and on the weekends. She has been so sick, I don't like covering her privates with chemicals. There are several studies about how the chemicals in a diaper (especially pampers, good grief, cut one open) lead to things like asthma. And I know there is research going both ways, but lets see if her diaper rash clears up now. I will post the results!
Natalie moves so much now that its hard to get a cute picture of her. Plus my totally photogenic child has started making faces at me when I take pictures. Her favorite is to scream really loud and pat her little hand over her mouth (nana taught her that) and go wawawawawawa. Then she gets tickled at herself and normally falls down. Another favorite is to try to eat the camera.
She can walk but won't walk. Why should she when we carry her everywhere ? The little stinker will appease me by walking a few steps with me holding her. Then I let go and she'll walk some more, turn and look at me then fall down. I predict in a month she'll be running all over the house. It's time to buy some baby gates!
My front window has a deep sill and Monkey sleeps there. Tonight Natalie figured out that the curtain moves and tada! A cat! Or iddy, however you'd like to say it.

Julie posted that you should always sweep up peas or their dried up forms will stab you in the bottoms of your feet. What you really need is a pea eating kitten!

So glad the cloth diapers are going well! I wish I were so brave and patient!!!
I'm starting to worry about all these clothes I have my our little one... will she be able to wear any of this adorable stuff?!!!
I so agree with your tips.....save your money for shopping in Guangzhou!!! Everything else is $$$$$ unless you really, really, really want it...save your money!!
Shoes, I wish I had bought a 100 pair, what was I thinking? I paid $3 and $4 for shoes!!!
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