Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday Update

Just a quick update!

I have been surfing Ebay like they are paying me by the minute looking at Gymboree clothes. Stephe, you asked if I bought lots of clothes in the wrong sizes. Ya, like 50-100 outfits lol Lots of them were yard sale finds but I did waste a lot of money on the clothes. I have them all hanging up now, tagged for the next big consignment sale. At least I am getting some of my money back :)

I have learned something. Don't buy anything from Wal-mart clothing wise for kids. You know those cute little dresses and tshirts with the pink shorts? Worn just a couple of times and they look like crap. Her Gymboree short outfit that bonnie gave us looks better and I bet it's been washed 20 times now (because it doesn't slide off her hiney!).

Lookie at what I bought on Ebay. I have several (million ha!) bids out there for some bon voyage outfits from a few seasons ago. Yup, I am going to stick my kid in clothes with anchors on them for a cruise. I might put a bow the size of TX on her head too! wwhhheeee!

The shirt says just horsen around. This was $12.54. CHEAP!

I got this for $10.40. I just wanted the shirt and this combo was just a couple $$s more than the shirt alone. I'll probably sell the overalls or pair them with a different shirt. You can't see the E I E I O if you put on the overalls :)

This was just $4.67. The walmart version that looks like poo after 2 washes was $'s a no brainer!

So all gymbo, all new with tags. All cheap! Do your retail therapy online :)

I really want to win these items too...
I have the capris and hat from this line but they were too little by the time it got warm :(

I think lots of people have this dress...except for me!

That's it for now. Tomorrow is her Dr appt. I am going to speak to the billing department and see if they can't call my insurance to verify the start date. They have it as Jan 1st still, three phone calls hasn't convinced them that they have it wrong in their computer. They keep sending me bills for almost $1,000 when my copays are about $60. Soooooo tomorrow I am going to get semi nasty with the billing person to straighten her out. I am not very tolerate of paperwork errors, I work in the documentation department I can't help it. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Eliza2006 said...

Can Natalie wear that dress in 12-18 months? I'd love to send ours to you (if I can find it in my piles of stuff!)
