Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekend Update: by Chelle

I have to start with Sunday and then work backwards to cover the rest of the weekend. I really believe that words can't come close to describing this picture. Believe me.
Saturday they went to the jade and clossonaie factories and the Great Wall. Kim has already managed to snap about 600 pictures.
Friday they went to Tianamen Square, the silk factory and the acrobat show.


John & Michelle said...

WooHoo!!! So glad I check on you again before bed! I have you on my sidebar under TN bloggers! So Happy for you both!!! Keep the pics coming!!1
Illinois...heading home to TN!

Carol said...

Oh that is a happy face! Congratulations!!!

RamblingMother said...

Congrats!! She is beautiful.


Julie and Steve said...

What a cutie! Congratulations. Can't wait to see more pics!

Chani's Bow Making Mama said...

Congrats Kim!!
So glad to see that you finally have her in your arms. What a cutie!!