Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!

Natalie's pictures came in today! Every single shot was so good that they talked me into an additional package for $32 that included a CD and copyrigth release for every picture. She went and changed every picture to sephia and black and white so I got a lot of great pictures :)

Here is a preview!

We went shopping and picked up our last minute gifts that I couldn't decide on. People were not crazy like I thought they would be, that was a nice surprise. I got another $10 off of $10 coupon from Pennys so I got a new sweater and paid $13 for it so I was happy with that.
Ready to shop!

I was strong, even though I was in the toy department for awhile today, I only added one more toy to the pile. I don't know if she's Chinese, but at least she is dark headed. She is a hard doll with snap on clothes :)

Then we went to my Mom's. She got a lot of loot:

Now she is in bed and I think I hear Santa coming :) Bye!

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

G loves the doodle pro.