It is hard to believe that a year has gone by. I like to look at pictures of little baby Natalie and try to remember how little she was. She changed so quickly, I do regret I didn't get more of her like this:

Once I started feeding her anything she wanted she just grew like a weed. Then in July she officially went from little baby status to big girl status when she started speaking in sentences. That all sort of threw us! Now the trick is to get her to be quiet :)
We were flying home from Ft Lauderdale on our family day.

Here is my scooter pie one year later at our airport's Christmas tree :)

Her favorite things
apple juice
fruit chewies
diet coke (I know, I know)
cookies (crackers)
and her most favorite thing? BOBO of course!

(BTW, do you have a BOBO that isn't needed at your house? He is a Koala brand bear from Toys R US. She of course bonded to a used bear that hasn't been made for years. If you have one that can live with us can you email me? My blog name at thanks!)
Happy one year baby!
sorry to hear the trip was not up to par!
Congrats on your one year!! She sure has changed in that time.
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