Change of plans for December, I just booked three RT tickets on Allegiant Air for $401. Let's hope they are still in business on Dec 5th! We'll leave for FT Lauderdale after work and arrive in plenty of time to catch a cab to a to be determined hotel. We won't get to wander around Orlando but the costs difference was just $80 if you added up gas and parking. That didn't include our little adventure to Orlando either. Add in $40 for food, $50 (or more) worth of junk I didn't need from the Disney outlet and it really ads up and we are even. We are also now coming back on a Tuesday so we'll have all day Sunday and Monday to spend at the beach. The avg weather for December is 77 degrees :)
I once again have to weigh my bags for a trip! We can take 2 50 pound cases, I wasn't going to pay for us to each have 2 bags at $30 each. We can also take on carry on and a personal item. So I'll pack up two diaper bags for our personals and we'll take the little rollers that attach to the big ones. It will be a change for me, I am used to packing a car full on every trip I go on. I keep telling myself there are laundry rooms on the ship, doing a load of laundry will not kill me! lol
And in true frugal mode, Natalie is going to sit on my lap for a savings of $200. I figure it is 4 hours in the air, $50 an hour..uh ya, she can hang out with me.
But then I broke down and bought her THE boots (I really need to stop reading other people's blogs).

Bye for now!
Those boots are darn cute! Sometimes you have to splurge.
Oooo, you got the boots! Love them. I saw a cute little black coat here too. (It's at and is item #140041116 if the link doesn't work. ;-) Crazy8 runs a size small for us, so I get one size bigger than normal, not sure if other folks run into that.
OOHH I love the coat!
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