Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Store and Happy News

I've decided to get out of my poor me mood. It all came about when I sold stock too soon and could of made a lot more (made is a loose term, I could of recovered) if I had waited two days. I am pretty bad at beating myself up about things like that. Can't focus on the amount I did make (and it is a nice amount), it's that other chunk oh change I missed out on. ARG! lol

So let's focus on positives...

  • I am 98% sure I got a scholarship for preschool. Who knew I was the poorest one in the bunch? (ok I knew! lol). It was confirmed verbally over the phone, I am waiting on the official paper. I was told I didn't have to make my payment on Monday. I am holding my breath, worried that there will be a glitch and I'll have to suddenly catch up on payments. I pay $115 a week with subsidized lunch ($15) and the scholarship is for $129 until Feb 1st and $119 after that for up to one year. Plus they are suppose to back date it to the date of application and I'll get a refund for three weeks. Again, trying not to get too excited!
  • My 401K has recovered 12K in the past 3-4 months and now is only 1K in the hole. Go Citi stock go!
  • A woman my Mom works with gave me three large bags of clothes for Natalie. Her style is exactly my style and all the pieces mixed in with what the kiddo had already. yay!
  • I redeemed my Chase Rewards and got a $92 Disney gift card to spend on the trip :)
  • I redeemed my Charter promo and ordered a $75 Shell gas card that should be here any day.
  • I am selling charms on Ebay. They are cute little pearl cage holders. We are going to pick a pearl in Japan in Epcot and put our pearls in them. The Japan store has a lot of things to choose from but no Disney styles so I ordered a bunch of these from China for our party of 6 on the trip. I added the two styles to my sidebar if anyone is interested.
  • Mom and I are going to start sewing little girl's dresses. I'll post them when they are in 5 months lol.

Whew I think that is it. We leave a week from today!

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