Friday, November 17, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen both of these. The first one was sent to me by a friend (isn't this so true about our perceived idea of beauty!!?) and the second I saw on the SAC group (cried through the whole thing!!). I haven't gone to the you tube site yet but I need to check it out.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I've been working on it for a week now. It's been fun and frustrating at the same time because I'm such a perfectionist. But, I like it for right now. Who knows what it will look like at the end of this
If you want a different blog templete, just google blog templetes. That's what I did and there are plenty out there that are compatible with Blogger. Mine came from a site called Sugalicious.

Kim in Memphis
Paperchasing for Megan Jean