Monday, September 03, 2007

No Baby for ME!

Ya, I knew it wouldn't happen this week but there was a part of me that thought it *might*!

With the lower cut off day than anticipated...will I have an Oct referral with a 12-05-05 LID? Folks, if I'm not with Natalie by the end of the year I will flip. I've been decent and calm up to this point, but dragging this into 2008 - enough is enough!

Today I went shopping with my mom. I joined a frugal thread on DisBoards about a no spend Sept. You could add in exclusions. Even though Sept is going to be expensive because of the cruise, I through I could cool it in the beginning and it would all balance out. Nooooooooo

I bought a pair of cool clunky sketcher sandals and sequined flip flops for the trip. I have a pair of black heels coming from shoebuy. That is a lot more in the shoe department than I normally get (kim = big feet). They were 75% off

We also made it to Ross. Can I say once again how much I love that store? I returned a curtain rod I had for a year and finally found the receipt. They gave me a store credit whooopie! Then I thought I could return the black sequined dress and the brown embroidered ones and get the credit back on my card and use up my three store credits to rebuy the brown. The idea was to NOT buy anything extra..well that didn't work.

I ended up re-buying my brown dress. I also got a super cute white ski sweater with turquoise stitching and lilac sequins lol I look like a 7 year old in it, I love it. I also got a long red short sleeved sweater. And a super cool red dress, thicker straps, vertical pleats on the bustline, diamond stitching on the waist and the sheer part is longer than the under piece and its all drape-ish. I also got MY DRESS the one I didn't buy before because I didn't need it. I don't often have "why didn't I buy that?" times but this dress did it. It is exactly like my black cocktail dress except the under layer sky blue :) I love the contrast.


See it's like a kid's sweater in my size! And it has pom poms! lol
So now for a cruise where I need two cocktail dresses, I have 4. And by golly I'm going to wear them all, afterall it's my vacation, if I want to be pretty, then I'll be pretty :)

Soooooo....I returned a curtain rod and the two dresses and put $48 back on my card. I bought all of this, applied all those random store credits to it and ended up paying $58 for it all. Can I say all this cost me $10? Yes I can if I say all this cost me $10 in the "month of Sept". See, no guilt at all. Girl logic at it's best :)

The market is open tomorrow. I have an order in to sell that will net $156.40. I would appreciate good thoughts for Carnival stock tomorrow :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

I've been holding my breath for you for two months now!! You've got to be in the mix next time! Still holding my breath for you and saying silent prayers!

Kim (the other one on the other side of TN :) )
LID 3/29/07 for Megan Jean

Ladybug Kreations