So when Siamese cats started appearing outside my house I didn't know what to make of it. The first that appeared looked just like her but had a different meow (when I first saw it I thought I had lost my mind!). That kitty stayed for a couple of days then another one appeared a few days later. Keep in mind, up to this point I had seen 1 outdoor cat in the 3 years I had lived here. Two Siamese cats in one month?
The second kitty decided to stay and I called her Bella Blue for her eyes. She was already pregnant when she arrived on my door and the thought of having kittens again (my "youngest is almost 7) really excited me. She had the babies the first week of may 2005 while I was on vacation. When her babies were 8 weeks old she was killed by a dog.
The first week was really bad. They would sit on my deck crying for their mother, they didn't know where she went. I'd spend several hours in the evening just petting them. I didn't have the heart to separate them, they were a matched pack.
So back to the reason for the post, I don't take enough pictures. I have several of my indoor cats but none of the outdoor babies. I wish I had a picture of Bella but I spent some time tonight trying to get her kids to hold still. They don't look like their mom but they have her personality. I just wanted to introduce my outdoor kids to you :)

Who ordered the box of kittens?
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