Not a lot going on.
- still tearing up the kitchen
- still going to work
- still going to gymnastics
- sold the condo, closes in 2 weeks
- pretty sure I've sold the truck
- pretty sure I've sold the camaro
- that just leaves my big house and I am getting a lot of interest in it so I'm not upset it hasn't sold. It will be soon.
- I am trying to catch up on 18 months of neglect on the little house. Lots of yardwork to do, lots of crap to get rid of. I pressure washed everything, that made a big difference. Not only is the kitchen getting redone, I am having the last of the plumbing redone. I also also getting a new roof and getting the 2nd driveway resurfaced. I am also adding a little concrete walkway from the 2nd driveway to the front porch. I should have money leftover to remove the sliding basement door and replacing it with a steel door and concrete block wall. And really,I should have money left over to redo the wiring in the basement and start sub diving the area into rooms for future expansion. My budget is 10K, it will be interesting to see how far that will go.
- we had a candy free Easter. It really can be done! The eggs have quarters & stickers in them.
I think that is it for now. We leave for vacation in like 3 weeks!